Understanding Infinity24
Infinity24 is a 24-hour trail running race, challenging participants to cover as many 5km laps as possible within the time limit in the beautiful setting of the Eden Valley in Cumbria. Whether you’re a seasoned ultra runner or a group of running friends looking for a unique experience, Infinity24 offers an exhilarating opportunity to test your endurance and spirit.

Team Sizes

You can enter Infinity24 as a solo runner, in pairs, small teams (up to 4 people) or large teams (up to 8 people). You must be at least 18 years old to participate.

If you’re a solo runner you’ll start at 11.00am and aim to complete as many laps as you can in 24 hours. You can take breaks whenever you want within the 24 hours. Support crews are recommended.

If you’re running in pairs or in a team one person from each pair, small team or large team starts at 11.00am and each team member must complete at least one lap. There can only be one team member running on the course at any one time (other team members can be out supporting though)! Teams can take breaks and don’t have to run continuously.

The team captain is responsible for registering the team and ensuring all members understand the event rules and safety protocols. They may also manage the run schedule and team well-being during the race.

Enter Today!

Can we choose our start time?
The race starts at 11am on Saturday 17th May. Solo runners and one member of each pair, small team or large team should be on the start line.

How are the laps recorded?
There is a timing mat at the end of each lap. Whether you are running solo or in teams you must cross the mat in this area for your lap to be recorded.

How do we change runners in our team?
The timing chip which attaches to your ankle on a velcro strap is your relay baton. To change which runner in your pair / team is out on the course you simply stop at your team tent and hand the timing chip over to the next runner. Only the runners named on the entry form can take part. Only runners with timing chips can be running on the course during the race, other team members can support anywhere track side.

Can I take a break?
Runners can take breaks whenever they want. There is no requirement for you to be on the course continuously, you can resume racing after your break.

Can we finish as a team?
Yes, teams can join their final runner near the finish line for a team finish, but be mindful of solo runners who may still be racing.

What is happening over the weekend?

Friday 16th May

3pm   Campsite Open

4pm   Registration Open

6pm   Robert’s Route Recce

7pm   Pasta Party

8pm   Music

9pm   Registration Closes

10pm  Quiet Time on the campsite

Saturday 17th May

8am   Registration Opens

10am  Registration Closes

10am  Compulsory Safety Briefing

11am  Infinity24 starts!

9pm   Dusk – headtorches compulsory until 5am

10pm  Quiet time on the campsite

Sunday 18th May

5am   Dawn

11am  Last time to start a lap

12pm  Infinity24 finishes

1pm    Prize Presentation

5pm    Campsite clear